My favorite singing and songwriting tools

  • Singing / Straw

    Straw phonation is my absolute favorite SOVT for warmup & cooldown, recovery from illness, and building stamina & flexibility. These sustainable straws are sized for singing. Use code Allie15 for 15% off.

  • Vocal Mist Nebulizer

    I prefer this cold mist isotonic saline nebulizer over hot steam for hydrating my vocal tract and nasal cavities. I use this when traveling and when recovering from illness. Great if you live in a dry climate!

  • My Songwriting Community

    I’m co-leader of a TOTB, a diverse & inclusive community of songwriters and artists who are growing our craft & enjoying the practice of songwriting by writing consistently.

  • ToneGym website

    ToneGym Ear Training Site

    Put in the reps! This site gamifies ear training, which will improve your singing, songwriting, and production.

  • Vocal Tubes

    For some clients, a larger diameter tube is ideal for straw phonation, and I recommend these larger silicone Vocal Tubes to use in water.

  • Music, Lyrics, and Life

    Truly a book to read front to back, and then keep as a field guide on your writing desk.

  • Write 47 Songs

    Write 47 Songs

    Write 47 Songs by Ra Wilson is comprehensive songwriting bootcamp aimed at the modern songwriter who is using their voice, instruments, and DAW as writing tools. It puts into practice my core belief that we get better at writing songs by writing songs.

  • Atomic Habits

    “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.” - James Clear

  • Songwriting Without Boundaries

    If you’re looking to grow your lyrics, this book is where to start! Songwriting Without Boundaries deepened my understanding of metaphor and Pat gave fun, clear exercises for practice.

  • Big Magic

    “Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

  • Wildling Gua Sha Stones

    I deal with jaw and neck tension, and the practice of gua sha has become a meditative part of my self-care routine. I particularly love the design of these tools & the integrity of this company. Use my Friends link for $10 off your order of $85.

  • LMNT sample pack

    LMNT Electrolytes

    I use electrolytes daily to stay hydrated and LMNT is my favorite! My go-to everyday flavors are watermelon, grapefruit, and raspberry. I like mango chili with seltzer for a mocktail, and chocolate with hot water in cold weather! Use my link for a FREE SAMPLER pack (8 flavors) with purchase.

  • Slippery Elm Lozenges

    My favorite lozenge.

  • Ceramic Neti Pot

    Nasal rinse cleans and moisturizes the nasal passages. This is a must for me during travel or if you live in a dry climate!

  • Hygrometer

    Digital indoor humidity monitor